Security & Privacy

At GYM WALLET, we prioritize the security and privacy of our users. We have implemented various measures to safeguard your data and ensure a secure environment within our platform. Here are some key aspects of our security practices:

Data Stored on Chain

  • Wallet Address: GYM WALLET stores your wallet address on the blockchain to facilitate transactions and record your participation in challenges.

  • End Result of Each Submit: The final results submitted by participants in challenges are stored on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and verifiability.

  • Leaderboard: The leaderboard, showcasing the rankings and performance of participants, is stored on the blockchain to maintain fairness and enable reward distribution.

  • Payouts: Details regarding the distribution of rewards from prize pools are stored on the blockchain, ensuring accuracy and transparency in the payout process.

Data Stored on IPFS

  • Profile Picture: GYM WALLET utilizes IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) to store profile pictures securely. IPFS enables decentralized and distributed storage, ensuring the privacy and availability of your profile pictures.

  • GYM WALLET NFTs: NFTs associated with GYM WALLET, such as achievements or special event participation, are stored on IPFS. This ensures the integrity and immutability of these digital assets.

Data Stored Centralized

  • Fitness Data: To ensure the integrity of the platform, GYM WALLET stores fitness data centrally. This includes data related to workouts, performance metrics, and history. The centralized storage allows for anti-cheat mechanisms, plausibility checks, and tracking purposes.


At GYM WALLET, we have implemented a robust anti-cheat system to maintain fairness and integrity within our challenges. Here are some key aspects of our anti-cheat measures:

  • Machine Learning (AI): We employ machine learning techniques to detect potential cheating behaviors and anomalies in performance data, helping to ensure fair competition.

  • Industry Best Practices: Our anti-cheat system incorporates industry best practices, such as OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) guidelines, Android Safenet, iOS device checks, and RASP (Runtime Application Self-Protection) techniques. These measures help to identify and prevent cheating attempts.

  • Data Integrity: Our anti-cheat system focuses on verifying the integrity of data. It checks whether the data is sent from our app and if it has been tampered with, ensuring that the submitted results are authentic and trustworthy.

  • Data Authentication: We also employ techniques to verify the authenticity of the data, ensuring that the results are generated by real users performing the workouts. This helps to prevent automated or fraudulent submissions.

By implementing comprehensive security measures, including data storage on the blockchain, IPFS, and centralized systems, as well as employing advanced anti-cheat techniques, GYM WALLET prioritizes the security and fairness of our platform, providing you with a safe and reliable fitness experience.

Last updated