Building Challenges

The GYM WALLET platform allows users to create their own custom Challenges using our intuitive web application. This gives you the ability to:

  • Set Your Parameters: Define the workouts, requirements, maximum number of participants, payout structure, and more for your Challenges.

  • Choose the Incentives: Whether you want to charge a fee or offer it for free, the choice is yours. You can even align your Challenge with a cause you're passionate about.

  • Customize Your Experience: Design and launch custom virtual activities with your own rules and financial incentives.


GYM WALLET web app (mobile coming soon)

Getting Started

  1. Create a GYM WALLET account or sign in with an existing wallet address

  2. Fund your wallet

  3. Build your Challenge

  4. Publish your Challenge

Due to the immutable nature of our smart contracts, once your Challenge is published, it CANNOT be edited or deleted. Be sure you're satisfied with all aspects of your Challenge before you hit Publish!

Last updated